Our Ailing Environment And Efforts To Save The Earth

Our Mother Earth is critically suffering, and manifestations are prevalent everywhere. While the man is the first to endure the consequences of the deteriorating environment, it is the man who inflicted the damages that result in it. The way of life of man is potentially imposing irreversible harm to nature. And now, we all fear climate change and the impacts it brings. The warming of Earth has compelling evidence of future shrouded in uncertainties if we slow any attempts to save the environment. The Significance of Environment to Human The Earth is the only home for humans in the entire universe, and it provides all that it requires to preserve life and flourish. A healthy ecosystem supports a myriad of species, living and non-living, which help in the process of cycling elements and nutrients. This cycle creates something useful for humans, and this symbiotic relationship between man and his environment is the essence of life since the beginning of time. More provisions of the ...