Keeping our environment clean

I have decided to start an insightful way of sharing what is surrounding us most naturally. Nature has very many ways of manifesting itself and being to Human Nature. Join me as I begin this fantastic blog on the environment.

It’s quite cliché, but you must have heard of the saying that goes; if you destroy the environment, it will also destroy you. This is a statement which you cannot seem to fathom if you look at it in a present form. Several years to come depending on how we watch on the plant cover and other natural phenomena will determine if there will be an end or continued sustainability to the ecosystem.

There are so many things that are going on in the world as far as the environment is concerned. There are some organisms which live just near you, but you'd never know because you're busy in your day-to-day tasks.

Some of the significant global Environmental concerns are environmental degradation, Resource depletion, climate change, and pollution. All these issues are independently affecting our world in one way or the other. It is therefore vital to do what is right to keep the environment in its best form.

There are so many activities going on in the world which are becoming harmful to Mother Nature at an alarming rate. It's time you had a look into some of the issues which the environment is going through to be able to be part of the change that the environment needs. I have seen so many people throw waste in the wrong places.

It seems very easy to throw garbage anywhere you feel like, but if you Only Knew the hazard that you're creating soon, you would adequately dispose of your trash. When it is disposed of, it becomes a potential hazard to natural habitats and the ocean. In the sea, waste might be viewed as food by the Living creatures in the Aquatic areas that may consume such waste and become wiped out in the process.

From the various Analytics on demographics regarding the human race, the planet is approximated to be able to support 10 billion people. At the moment, we have around 7.3 billion people on earth. By 2100 the world is expected to be at the 11.2 billion Mark. That is overpopulation.

It would, therefore, mean straining of the available resources that we have. That means an increased emission of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the air. Our role as environmentalists is to come up with an increased number of sustainable sources of energy so that there are fewer carbon emissions.

For every tree that goes down, there should be another two that are planted. The reason behind this is the fact that forests are habitats to at least 70% of animal and plant species. Besides this, 15% of greenhouse gases that are emitted to the atmosphere come from deforestation.

From forecasted statistics by 2030, we might only be having 10% of rainforests.That is quite a scary percentage, and we should be careful with how we handle the forest cover. Plants and animals encompass a big part of the ecosystem, which needs to be taken care of as it does a lot of good to us than harm.

In as much as the leaders who are in power want to ignore and concentrate more enriching themselves to discuss resources available, the temperature is rising day by day. There are droughts, and Ice caps are melting. Additionally, some wildfires and Hurricanes are sweeping across landscapes. This is very serious, and it is high time we practice sustainability at all costs; that is entirely by limiting pollution to the environment. Do not allow climate change to be a national disaster.


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